Extra 'My Documents' Folder



Recovering from a complete reinstall, I somehow wound up with a complete
second set of "My Documents" The properties of this My Documents" folder
say it is a shortcut to the target folder (which is OK)

I would like to get rid of this extra My Documents folder. I have tried the
register edit from http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_favorites.htm, except
it doesn't really tell me what to do after I get to the correct entry.
Also, I don't really see where TweakUI addresses this problem either.

Would welcome any suggestions.



David said:
Recovering from a complete reinstall, I somehow wound up with a complete
second set of "My Documents" The properties of this My Documents"
folder say it is a shortcut to the target folder (which is OK)

I would like to get rid of this extra My Documents folder. I have tried
the register edit from http://www.kellys-korner-xp.com/xp_favorites.htm,
except it doesn't really tell me what to do after I get to the correct
entry. Also, I don't really see where TweakUI addresses this problem

If the folder is a shortcut, it isn't a "complete second set". It's a
shortcut. Where are both folders located (complete path, please)?



Malke said:
If the folder is a shortcut, it isn't a "complete second set". It's a
shortcut. Where are both folders located (complete path, please)?

The 'shortcut' folder appears: Desktop-My Computer-My Documents-My Network
Places-Recycle Bin

The target is: C:\Documents and Settings\Dave\My Documents
An interesting thing about the target is 'My Documents' appears as 'Owner's
Documents' until you click on it, then it returns 'My Documents' System
refuses to let me change Owner or Dave

This Owner/Dave dispute has been going on for some time, on the reinstall
the comp decided I should be Owner- permanently..

Does this shed any light?



David said:
The 'shortcut' folder appears: Desktop-My Computer-My Documents-My Network
Places-Recycle Bin

The target is: C:\Documents and Settings\Dave\My Documents
An interesting thing about the target is 'My Documents' appears as
'Owner's Documents' until you click on it, then it returns 'My Documents'
System refuses to let me change Owner or Dave

This Owner/Dave dispute has been going on for some time, on the reinstall
the comp decided I should be Owner- permanently..

Does this shed any light?

Not really. I can't imagine why you would be unable to change Owner or Dave
or why you'd want to do that. Unless you have XP Pro or Media Center and
renamed the built-in Administrator account "Dave".

There are too many missing pieces to this puzzle, such as what reinstall?
The computer doesn't decide what you should be; you decide that. So with
all the missing information, I'm not comfortable trying to untangle the

Frankly, I wouldn't fool around with this. I'd just make a new user account,
copy your data over to it, and delete Owner and Dave. Or do a clean install
and start over. Or have a professional do it for you.

Sorry I couldn't help you. I'm sure someone else will come along with better
answers for you.


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