Extended Desktop to view movies? Does not work.. need help



I connected my new Asus ATI9600 XP tvd graphics card to my television.
I carefully turned on my Extended Desktop, with my monitor as default
and my television as mirror.. my tv screen now shows my desktop,
which works fine, except it is too large to fit the screen.

However, when I turn on any movie programs, like Media Player or DivX,
themovie shows up fine on my monitor, but on the tv screen it shows
only a black or orange screen inside the movie program. The movie does
not show up at all.

I have tried every viewing option available within the programs. None

I want to watch my .avi/.mpg/.mov movies on my television screen..
What shall I do?


From mnemory, TV screens being low resolution and also when using the older
4:3 screen, will require the PC display settings to be set for 800 x 600

As for the display out settings, these can also be adjusted by further
viewing display settings options.

Read the ATI user guide and I beleieve that there are settings for the
'second' display which will need to be changed to TV. Again there may be
further settings to allow for the TV broadcast format of PAL, NTSC, SECAM etc.

Look into the user guide and I'm sure that this is in there.

It is not a Windows issue, but the AGP card settings that you need to tweak.

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