Exporting Access Pivottable to Excel


Ad de Kruijff

I develop with Office XP Developer and we have Office XP
installed and Office 2000. I deploy Runtime versions of
my application.

The problem is with Office 2000, Office XP works
allright. When I have a query viewed as a Pivottable, I
want to be able to export to Excel, but this seems
I tried several options after the command:
DoCmd.SelectObject acQuery, "Pivotquery", False
Such as ctrl-a; ctrl-c, then opening a Worksheet and ctrl-
v (in VBA). This creates an empty sheet, except when
there is some other info on the clipboard, then this is
DoCmd.OutputTo en DoCmd.TransferSpreadsheet transporteren
wel de query-data, maar niet als Pivotview.
En DoCmd.RunCommand acCmdPivotTableExportToExcel geeft
als melding "The command is not available now".

Is there a solution for this?????????

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