Exporting a Report



I have a report which includes some embedded images as well as formatting
around certain text boxes etc. When I export this report to anything except
the snapshop viewer, none of these images or formatting comes accross. The
only thing that is exported in the text. If I export this into a snapshot
file, everything works.

Does anyone know how to fix this problem?



there is no problem to fix.

That is jsut how it is, U are either stuck with snapshot or maybe use pdf.
Acces does not add the graphics or lines when exporting to word etc



Of Access' export options, only a Snapshot will output the images, lines and
graphics, as you've found. This is by design so there's really no "fix"
per se. You can print your report to a PDF driver which will also retain
the graphics and if opened in Acrobat will also allow the report to be

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