


Is there a way to not export a text field to an excel spreadsheet when
using the built in Analyze it with excel tools menu.

John Nurick

Hi Dale,

Create a query that doesn't include the text field, and then export the



I guess I should have been more clear. Is there a way to do this when
exporting a report that has the text field included on it.


John Nurick

I don't think there's any way of controlling what Analyze it with Excel
does. The simplest thing might be to create an alternative version of
the report without the textbox.

Another approach might be to write code in the report's Open event
procedure that puts up a messagebox each time it's opened, asking
whether or not to display the textbox and using the response to control
the textbox's Visible property.

Otherwise you could get deep, deep under the bonnet, replacing the menu
command with one that looks the same but gives this particular report
special treatment...

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