Export yes/no into Word



I'm trying to export a yes/no field into word so that it appears as the box wtih a tick in it, or not as the case may be, but all I get is the result YES or NO

Is there any way I can import or export the data from either a query or report or table into Word so that the yes/no field is shown as a box? (ticked or unditcke)

John Nurick

Hi Rob,

One way to do this is to use a calculated field in your query that
produces one character for Yes and another for No which, when formatted
in the right font in Word, show up as ticked and empty boxes.

In the WingDings font these are the characters 0xFE (254) and 0xA8
(168), which show up in the font you're looking at as þ (which I see as
lower case thorn) and ¨ respectively (which I see as a diaeresis).

The calculated field will be something like
TickBox: IIf([YesNoField],Chr(254),Chr(168))


Hi John

Thanks for that, it does the trick. Pity I have to go into Word and change the font but then life's like that isn't it
Daresay 2003 will allow me to do it easier :)

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