Export to DVDR



Hi everyone!
I've a big problem to solve... I don't know what more can
I do.
I've a laptop (HP omnibook) with Windows XP Home and with
a firewire. I also have a DVDR (philips 890) that has a
firewire port (just in). Now I'm trying to export from the
laptop to the DVDR my films in DV format but the DVDR
can't get the signal.
I've tried the export with Movie Maker, Adobe Premiere and
Ulead studio... and in all the three I've the same
problem: No device control (or something like that...).
It's curious, when I connect the DVDR to the laptop, the
laptop gives a sound (it seems that it reconized
something), but in the system manager I don't find the new
Anyone knows what's wrong and what can I do?
Do I need any special driver?



The IEEE 1394 (FireWire/iLink) port on the Philips 890 is designed to
capture DV from a camcorder. I don't know if there is a way to go directly
from your PC to the DVDR.



I've asked Philips support and the only thing that they
told me, was that the DVDR 890 can catch digital signal
through the iLink...

I think that a digital signal is a digital signal... I
don't know what to think...



Hi Papajohn,

Yesterday I've tried the DVIO utility, but I had an error
(I didn't understand the error...).

Some weeks ago I've also tried to connect the camcorder
to the DVDR and all worked OK. The problem here is to
connect the laptop to the DVDR.

Does exist any laptop special settings to do this?
Probably some controller, a DMA driver... (my DMA is
enable but it has no driver associated to it, is this


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