Export Range Woes



I have a macro that is transferring data from a table to an Excel spreadseet.
For some reason it is not appending the information to the last row of the
Named range, it is sticking the new info in the middle of the data. This is
data that is collected by a monthend date. So I have 1/31/2008 stuck in the
middle of the 2007 monthe ends. This is screwing up my formula to link the
data to the next page as it is scooting down the older monthes.
What can I do to make the append go to the bottom of the datasheet?

Jeanette Cunningham

Create a query from the table, in the query sort on the date field. Export
the query instead of the table.

Jeanette Cunningham


It was actually the query that was uploading, and it didn't have the correct
sort on the date field.

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