Export form and subform controls to Word



Hi guys

ive been searching for a while now on various forums and groups and havent
yet found an answer to my question...

I need to export the details of a form (and subform) to Word. Basically, the
form and subform are data entry forms, and I neeed to be able to export the
information as entered by the user to a Word template. this info will be
exported before the record is added to the db..

can somebody please help me with this? my understanding is that this must be
done via VBA code - can anyone give me some basic pointers (or previous
examples) of how to do this please?



also, none of the information will be exported to tables, etc. it is simply
sending the information entered by the user in the access form to a word



This is a very broad issue. there are multiple ways to do what you want.

The easiest is simply to generate a report, and then save it as an RTF file.
RTF (rich text format) is readable by Word (except for graphics on the

If you specifically want to "fill in the blanks" in a Word document, you'll
need a mail-merge Word doc with a data-source. You then export your data to a
custom-built table you create, which will function as the data-source for the
Word doc.

After that, it's a simple matter of moving data around....



I am after a 'fill in the blanks' type document, as the user needs to be able
to type in additional information on the basis of what has been entered into
the Access form (and exported to the word doc).

you say 'export the data to a custom built table' -can you be more specific
with this? if this means that i need to create another table in Access to
which the form and subform writes to, then im a bit confused - wouldn't this
just lead to data duplication?

I have details on creating a Word template with bookmarks - im at a loss with
how to complete this end in Access...



Read up on Mail-Merge docs in Word. Once you understand that, it becomes
clear. Technically, you do NOT have to create a new table. You can use the
existing one. However, if the data you need comes from several sources, it's
handier to programmatically create a stand-alone table in Access, and
populate it with the data from your extract/query.

This table then becomes the "data source" for the mail-merge document.

Again, you need to understand how that works in Word before you attempt it.
But really, once you understand the idea, creating a data-source table
programattically takes about 30 minutes to learn.

Hope this helps a little.


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