Export email to another computer??




I am running XP Pro with Outlook 2002...I am trying to
export my customer emails from my machine to my bosses
machine...I can export to my local machine...But when I
try to save to a disk or CD....or email the .pst as an
attachement I can not do it...How do I bring this .pst
file to another machine?????


Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

It would help if you explained what "I can not do it" means, exactly :)
But try this:

1) In Outlook, use File | New | Outlook Data File to create a new .PST
file. It will open in Outlook's Folder List.

2) Copy the data you want to send to your boss to this .PST file by drag
and drop from your own .PST file or Exchange mailbox.

3) Close the new .PST file out of Outlook by right-clicking its root folder
and selecting Close.

4) Either copy the .PST file to a CD or other media or attach it to a new
mail message if it's not too large.

5) Copy the .PST to your boss's hard drive either by saving the mail
attachment or copying it from the CD. Make sure the file is not marked

6) Open the .PST in your boss's copy of Outlook using File | Open | Outlook
Data File. If he needs the messages in his .PST file or mailbox, he can
copy them. If he only needs to look at them, he can view them where they
are, and then close that .PST file out of Outlook until he needs it again.

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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But I am running into the same thing that I was
earlier...For some reason when I try to attach it to
an email I get a message "operation failed"...When
I "zip" the file up and try to attach it it is fine..But
when we "unzip" the file, there are 0 KB??? Are there
rules/preferences somewhere that I am not seeing that
does not allow me to export a .pst file off from this




But I am running into the same thing that I was
earlier...For some reason when I try to attach it to
an email I get a message "operation failed"...When
I "zip" the file up and try to attach it it is fine..But
when we "unzip" the file, there are 0 KB??? Are there
rules/preferences somewhere that I am not seeing that
does not allow me to export a .pst file off from this


Don't bother with all the export stuff, just copy it.......presumably you
are on a network of some kind.....

Jocelyn Fiorello [MVP - Outlook]

How big a .PST file are we talking about here? I don't know why you would
get an "operation failed" message when attaching it to an e-mail message.
Do you not have a shared network folder you can put it on so he can get it
that way?

Jocelyn Fiorello
MVP - Outlook

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