explorer windows do not refresh automatically



Have just purchased new computer with XP Pro. If I delete a file from an
explorer window the window does not refresh automatically to show that the
file has been deleted?

Where is the switch or control that would set this?


Registry: Start | Run | regedit | HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE |
SYSTEM | CurrentControlSet | Control | Update |
UpdateMode | right-click Modify | change default 1 value
0 (that's number, not the letter) | Reboot(Hint: faster
if you warm-boot by holding down shift key while you
click Restart......

(DWORD Value-- in case you need to create the key)

Note: X-Teq has a setting for this in Appearance |
Explorer | Settings | Explorer Settings.....

Or it could be an issue with windows' indexing service--
you can access it: Start | Run | services.msc | right-
click Indexing Service | Properties | Startup type--
toggle these settings on/off, type, etc.

If that does not work, look here


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