Explorer window opens on startup



A file explorer window opens each time I startup. It is annoying more than a serious problem but I would like to stop it happening. The window is the Norton Internet Security folder in Program files. This started happening after I recently upgraded to XP from ME

Any thoughts/ solutions gratefully received



i might try to uninstall NIS and see if that stops then reinstall?

TonyW said:
A file explorer window opens each time I startup. It is annoying more
than a serious problem but I would like to stop it happening. The window is
the Norton Internet Security folder in Program files. This started
happening after I recently upgraded to XP from ME.


-----Original Message-----
A file explorer window opens each time I startup. It is
annoying more than a serious problem but I would like to
stop it happening. The window is the Norton Internet
Security folder in Program files. This started happening
after I recently upgraded to XP from ME.
Any thoughts/ solutions gratefully received.

Something else you can do is go to start then go to run
and type in msconfig, in there you will see start up, in
there is a list of all the files that load when you start
windows, in there will be the program that is doing this,
you can set it to not load on startup. You may have to
search and find which one it is. good luck, hope this

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