Explorer search inside .msg fails



I asked this at Windows General newsgroup but was directed here. Don't know
why. And the guy was a little rude, of course because he thinks he's a
moderator. Oh well.

If I have a bunch of .msg files saved in a folder (because I do not want
plain text files) and then decide to try and search those with Windows Search
on a word I *know* exists in a few of those messages, the search turns up
with zero results. Why?


Roady [MVP]

Msg-files can only be read by Outlook so the indexer would need an add-in
that reads those items through Outlook. I can't really think of any that do.

A better option would be that you leave those items in Outlook (separate
pst-file if you want) and configure the indexer to also index Outlook items.
The items will then be returned when you do a search query.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I asked this at Windows General newsgroup but was directed here. Don't know
why. And the guy was a little rude, of course because he thinks he's a
moderator. Oh well.

If I have a bunch of .msg files saved in a folder (because I do not want
plain text files) and then decide to try and search those with Windows
on a word I *know* exists in a few of those messages, the search turns up
with zero results. Why?



I appreciate your response. I guess I knew this but it seems a little
assinine that I would have to find an add-in (maybe an iFilter would do it)
in order to search through these files.

You know, I can't even find a way to search through them from inside
Outlook! Well, in a round-about way in the File - Open - Data File dialog,
you can find them based on certain text contained within them but you cannot
open them because that dialog is expecting a PST. I guess this means that
items that are created in this manner from within Outlook are now completely

Many would ask why we even did it this way. But I'm talking about stuff
that is years before we had an archiving process. We have one now and I
suppose that product has a "backfill" capability. I just hope it can do it
with these .msg files...

thanks again,

Roady [MVP]

Create a new pst-file and use drag & drop from Explorer to Outlook to place
the msg-files back.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]
Coauthor, Configuring Microsoft Outlook 2003

I appreciate your response. I guess I knew this but it seems a little
assinine that I would have to find an add-in (maybe an iFilter would do it)
in order to search through these files.

You know, I can't even find a way to search through them from inside
Outlook! Well, in a round-about way in the File - Open - Data File dialog,
you can find them based on certain text contained within them but you cannot
open them because that dialog is expecting a PST. I guess this means that
items that are created in this manner from within Outlook are now completely

Many would ask why we even did it this way. But I'm talking about stuff
that is years before we had an archiving process. We have one now and I
suppose that product has a "backfill" capability. I just hope it can do it
with these .msg files...

thanks again,

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