Explorer Search Engine



I need to remove a search engine and web page from
explorer (Globe Finder). I've already switched it in the
tools and prefrences but everytime I restart the computer
this stupid web page re-apperars...its driving me nuts.
I've searched for spyware etc..with no luck. I've
searched all the files (even the hidden ones) with no
luck. Please, anyone with ideas I'm open for suggestions!

Frank GoBell

Sean said:
I need to remove a search engine and web page from
explorer (Globe Finder). I've already switched it in the
tools and prefrences but everytime I restart the computer
this stupid web page re-apperars...its driving me nuts.
I've searched for spyware etc..with no luck. I've
searched all the files (even the hidden ones) with no
luck. Please, anyone with ideas I'm open for suggestions!

Go to http://www.spychecker.com/program/cwshredder.html and use the tool on
that page. It should take care of the problem.

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