Explorer.exe Working Size 520MB Bug??



My PC has been running for 4 days and I have noticed the the size of
Explorer.exe has grown to a whoppung 520MB in working memory usage. as
ststaed in the Reliability & Performace Monitor. Is this a bug or nornal
for Vista? Current memery usage is over 950MB.

Dale White

I wouldn't call that normal, but I guess part of the question is what do you
ahve going on with your system ? Running Dreamscene ? Aero ? Anythign
special ?

The girly friend leaves her system running 24/7. She doesn't really do all
that much with it, other like websurfing, webmail, IM chat And some SIMS2
every now and then.

Currently her memory usage is at 1.07GB. That to me seems insane for a
system sitting idle, but as I keep hearing that's a awesome new feature of
vista. I myself am having trouble matching what TaskMan Process says is
commited to memory and what resource Manager is showing. Here's a snapshot
of her system's resources for memory.



I don't use dreamscene, because it is a memory hog. What I have running is
broadcasting softawere which uses no more than 40mb of memory and station
stats program, 8MB. I run daily defrags with PerfectDisk and AVG AntiVirus
scans once a day. Vista doesn't lag much but the big chunk of mem usage out
of 1.5 gb. seems too much. Might be a memory leak in Explorer.exe.

Frank Saunders, MS-MVP OE/WM

Dale White said:
I wouldn't call that normal, but I guess part of the question is what do
you ahve going on with your system ? Running Dreamscene ? Aero ? Anythign
special ?

The girly friend leaves her system running 24/7. She doesn't really do all
that much with it, other like websurfing, webmail, IM chat And some SIMS2
every now and then.

Currently her memory usage is at 1.07GB. That to me seems insane for a
system sitting idle, but as I keep hearing that's a awesome new feature of
vista. I myself am having trouble matching what TaskMan Process says is
commited to memory and what resource Manager is showing. Here's a snapshot
of her system's resources for memory.

Vista does not remove anything from memory until the space is needed for
something else. This is on purpose.

Stephan Rose

Dale said:
I wouldn't call that normal, but I guess part of the question is what do
you ahve going on with your system ? Running Dreamscene ? Aero ? Anythign
special ?

The girly friend leaves her system running 24/7. She doesn't really do all
that much with it, other like websurfing, webmail, IM chat And some SIMS2
every now and then.

Currently her memory usage is at 1.07GB. That to me seems insane for a
system sitting idle, but as I keep hearing that's a awesome new feature of
vista. I myself am having trouble matching what TaskMan Process says is
commited to memory and what resource Manager is showing. Here's a snapshot
of her system's resources for memory.


Well here is my memory usage after the system has been running for almost a
day, watching some DVDs, listening to music and so on...


The reason you are seeing such a huge difference between what's comitted is
that you are only seeing the memory usage of your own processes in the

The memory otherwise hogged by Vista is not represented there except in the
overall lack of free memory.

2003 Yamaha R6


Richard Urban

Did you choose "show processes for all users"? Many system processes are
hidden until you do.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User

Dale White

I thought I did, but what I was really looking at is Taskman reports DWM.exe
with 36MB in use, but resource mon repots in commited 86MB and then working
set as 65MB. I would have though Taskman would have reported DWM.exe the
same as resource mon, whether it's 86, 65 or 36. Eitherway, 1.07GB just
seems a little high. I rebooted the system and it's hovering around 630MB, I
might try to watch it to see if I can catch when the spike happens, though
I'm guessing it's just going to be a gradual grind

Richard Urban

I have seen explorer.exe creep up also, but not to the extent you are
seeing. Then again, I shut down my computer if I am not going to be using it
for a few hours.



Richard Urban MVP
Microsoft Windows Shell/User

Dale White V64

Well, I'm not the Original OP. I think on my GF's system, Explorer was
fairly normal, only around 20meg or so.

Dale White

Vista does not remove anything from memory until the space is needed for
something else. This is on purpose.

I guess I'm fine with that, though it would be kinda nice for Vista to give
me an idicator what is using the memory. even if it's just svchost.exe

Guess it's a mindset change. Normally you look at a OS and say 1GB in use ?
what's using that ?. Now I guess we just say, Oh,that's nice. I wonder if
Longhorn server is going to work the same. Seems like it would make it hard
to trouble shoot a memory leak, since there doesn't seem to be an easy way
to tell what the memory is being used for.

Adam Albright

I guess I'm fine with that, though it would be kinda nice for Vista to give
me an idicator what is using the memory. even if it's just svchost.exe

Guess it's a mindset change. Normally you look at a OS and say 1GB in use ?
what's using that ?. Now I guess we just say, Oh,that's nice. I wonder if
Longhorn server is going to work the same. Seems like it would make it hard
to trouble shoot a memory leak, since there doesn't seem to be an easy way
to tell what the memory is being used for.

Actually it gives more information then ever. Task Manager,
performance tab, then Resource Monitor then click on the little down
arrow along side memory, CPU or disk and you see how each process is
using each.

Dale White

Hmm, did you happen to see the screenshot I have about 4 post up ? I've got
resource mon running, but the numbers it gave me, didn't add up to 1.07GB

The numbers added up to around 630, which is where it normally hovers around
when it first boots. So there was 400MB somewhere that I couldn't find.

I've since then rebooted, and 2 days later it's still at 650MB.

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