explorer.exe left pane refresh is irritating



hi, all --

WinXP SP2 explorer window in "details" mode

The left pane keeps refreshing all the time. The hourglass pops up, making
me wait before I can navigate further. Also, someone's design decision
thought displaying folders as links was a good idea.

Is there any way to stop this annoying behavior? Make it work like explorer
in Win2K?

Also, the flickering caused by the constant refresh is in violation of the
federal §508 accessibility guidelines ... can't have flicker between 2-55 Hz

John Kwasnik
State of California


hi, all --

WinXP SP2 explorer window in "details" mode

The left pane keeps refreshing all the time. The hourglass pops up, making
me wait before I can navigate further. Also, someone's design decision
thought displaying folders as links was a good idea.

Is there any way to stop this annoying behavior? Make it work like explorer
in Win2K?

Also, the flickering caused by the constant refresh is in violation of the
federal §508 accessibility guidelines ... can't have flicker between 2-55 Hz

John Kwasnik
State of California

i think it's a Virus that's sucking out ur system resources.
Do u use an up-2-date antivirus?

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