explorer.exe causes an error



Been troubleshooting an IBM laptop which has recently developed the habit of
responding with an "explorer.exe has caused an error and needs to shut down"
whenever I try go go the the control panel, click on "my computer" or open
explorer. Also happens when I try to go to the Windows update center.

Any ideas? FWIW, I can load a 3rd party browser and it works.


-----Original Message-----
Been troubleshooting an IBM laptop which has recently developed the habit of
responding with an "explorer.exe has caused an error and needs to shut down"
whenever I try go go the the control panel, click on "my computer" or open
explorer. Also happens when I try to go to the Windows update center.

Any ideas? FWIW, I can load a 3rd party browser and it works.
Should have mentioned: the O/S is 2000 Professional. Must
have had a senior moment there.



-----Original Message-----

Should have mentioned: the O/S is 2000 Professional. Must
have had a senior moment there.

OK--found the answer. I had scanned the system for viruses
and found a number of them. No relief from the problem.
Then I ran Ad-aware. Found about 137 items, some attempted
browser hi-jackings. Anyway, after deleting the items
found, the problem went away. BTW--system had also been
reporting inadequate virtual memory which was really odd.


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