explorer crash



My Explorer crashes whenever I rotate a JPEG image.

I found an entry in the Knowledge Base -- 815240 -- and
it says this is a recognized problem and there is a MS
fix, but it doesn't provide a link. Instead, it says I
have to contact MS to get the patch.

I've never before encountered a patch I have to call to
get. Any idea for how to get it? I am tired of waiting on
hold on the phone.



Yeah mine too! All I have to do is have MY Pictures on,
it seem and when I return to my desktop everything is
frozen and when I go Ctrl+Alt+delete it's always Explore
that is still running although I thought I closed it.
Did you get an answer. Thanks

John Inzer

Claudia said:
Yeah mine too! All I have to do is have MY Pictures on,
it seem and when I return to my desktop everything is
frozen and when I go Ctrl+Alt+delete it's always Explore
that is still running although I thought I closed it.
Did you get an answer. Thanks
Does rotating an image cause your freeze or
do you get a freeze by simply opening your
My Pictures folder?

Do you have Adobe PhotoShop or Elements
installed? If you do...right click on a .jpg file and
choose Properties. Click the Photoshop Image
tab and uncheck the "Generate Thumbnails"
button, then click OK.

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