Explorer 6 + frames --> blank page (thats very strange)

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Explorer 6 + frames --> blank page (thats very strange)

Win XP Pro SP1 - Explorer 6 SP1
This after webupdate of XP
Opening a web page with frames (ex: google groups - message in context)
during the page download the frames are visible, when finish the download of
the last object... bum!!!... blank page... it seems that explorer refresh in
the FRAMESET - i can see in visualization of the html code (state bar:
"Operation completed")

Installed SP2... problem solved... for a couple of week... then... the same
with all websites with frames...

I've done a lot of tests modifing Explorer options (Security, Privacy)
Rapair/Reinstall of Exlorer ---> NOTHING

Now i'm thinking that is a Virus or Spyware/Malware
Can u help me...???

Hi Riga :-)

Try the following and see if it will help:

Go to "Start" -> "Run" -> and register the following dll's by using
regsvr32 command. Try the first 2, then see if it resolves the problem. If
not then register the rest of the .dll's:

regsvr32 urlmon.dll?
regsvr32 actxprxy.dll
regsvr32 scrrun.dll?
regsvr32 msxml.dll?
regsvr32 mshtml.dll?
regsvr32 shdocvw.dll?
regsvr32 browseui.dll
regsvr32 msjava.dll?

If that doesn't work, then check out the following article and do the
additional steps outlined

You Cannot Open New Internet Explorer Window or Nothing Happens After You
Click a Link

BUG: Microsoft Internet Explorer Displays a Blank Page While It Uses an HTTP
1.0 Request in a WinInet Application

HTML pages only partly appear, HTML pages do not appear or network stops

Internet Explorer Displays a Blank Page and May Appear to Stop Responding on
Windows 2000


Blank Pages - Windows


See this article:

If you are using WinXP try this:

You can also try this:

Go to Start/run, and type SFC (msconfig for WinXP).
Choose 'Extract One File From Installation Disk' ("Expand File" for WinXP).
Type oleaut32.dll, not worrying about its location. Then, click Start.

Next to 'Restore From', type in or browse for the file's location, which is
probably in the Win98 (i386 for WinXP) folder of your installation CD-ROM
(typically D:\Win98), or in your Windows\Options\Cabs (Windows\i386 for
WinXP) folder, as the case may be.

Then, next to 'Save File In', enter C:\Windows\System (C:\Windows\System32
for WinXP), and click OK. System File Checker (or msconfig) looks for the
file, saves it as you requested, and then tells you that 'the file has been
successfully extracted'.

You may need to reboot.


Reset security level to default "medium"

If these steps do not resolve your problem, please post back to this thread
with the details and any error messages.

Hope this helps

Jan :)
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