Expire date on an email



Is there method to set an expire date on an email. After 2
days, I like the email (include attachemnt) automatically
delete from the recipient's inbox if it is still there.


Roady [MVP]

In the options of the message you can set an expire date. It won't
automatically delete but it will be striked through after this date.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

Brian Tillman

Roady said:
In the options of the message you can set an expire date. It won't
automatically delete but it will be striked through after this date.

In the _recipient's_ mailbox, like the OP asked?


I don't see such setting as you mention. Don't mind point
out where to click on to do that.
-----Original Message-----
In the options of the message you can set an expire date. It won't
automatically delete but it will be striked through after this date.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

Kyle said:
Is there method to set an expire date on an email. After 2
days, I like the email (include attachemnt) automatically
delete from the recipient's inbox if it is still there.



Roady [MVP]

Oops, every now and then some posts slip from my attention (being away for
the weekend doesn't help either)

On the Toolbar when composing a message you'll see an Options button. When
you press it you get a new window where you can set lots of options for a
message including the Expire date

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

Kyle said:
I don't see such setting as you mention. Don't mind point
out where to click on to do that.
-----Original Message-----
In the options of the message you can set an expire date. It won't
automatically delete but it will be striked through after this date.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

Kyle said:
Is there method to set an expire date on an email. After 2
days, I like the email (include attachemnt) automatically
delete from the recipient's inbox if it is still there.



Roady [MVP]

Well that is in the recipients mailbox. Of course you need to set the expire
date *before* you send the message just like you do when setting an
importance level.

Robert Sparnaaij [MVP-Outlook]

Tips of the month:
-What do the Outlook Icons Mean?
-Create an Office 2003 CD slipstreamed with Service Pack 1

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