Expanding ranges causing probs?


Simon Lloyd

I have named ranges from rows D2 - X30, D31 - X50 and D51 - X80 (name
first, second and third) at the bottom of these (from A80 downward)
have some formatted rows that can have data entered, when the AutoClos
runs it sorts all the rows by date (the dates for all ranges appear i
column A) but when a row is taken from the extra area (below A80) an
sorted in date order and inserted into one of the named ranges (let
say FIRST) then the range expands but moves the other ranges out (i.
FIRST would now be D2 - X31 and SECOND would be D32 - X51) and this i
causing problems with calulations that are taken from these cells, I
there anyway to cure this problem?

The sorted inserted rows will always go in between 2 dates as the
ranges are sections of the year.

Any thoughts or help will be greatfully recieved.



Tushar Mehta

Not that responding to this guarantees a satisfactory resolution to
your problem...

That's quite a mouthful you had to say all in one burst. Consider
using more than a single sentence to describe the problem.

That said, it is *possible* that the use of INDIRECT (or maybe OFFSET)
will resolve your problem. But, without a clearer picture...


Tushar Mehta
Excel, PowerPoint, and VBA add-ins, tutorials
Custom MS Office productivity solutions

Simon Lloyd

Right here goes,

in the ranges mentioned names can be entered, when entered a count is
made on another sheet and depending on which range the name falls in it
will count either 8 or 12 for each instance.

When the ranges have a row inserted after sorting they expand (as they
should) and it is possible that when a name is entered at the bottom of
one of these ranges it will count wrong i.e if its in a range that
should count 8 with the expansion it could now count 12 (as is

I have a sum formula on the count page that says if "Bloggs J" appears
in FIRST range then make one count of 8 etc for all the names of people
on my shift, their name may appear numerous times in the range(s).

This is a holiday booking system for employees, so each day is booked
as a seperate day consisting of a 12 hour booking or an 8 hour

I can supply the workbook if you give me your e-mail address but it
wont be until wednesday when im back at work.



Simon Lloyd

Hi all,

Sorry for replying to my own post but i wanted to get some response for
my post below,

Hope you can help!



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