Expanding numbers and letters in a cell



I have a situation where I have data in a single cell such
as:"J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15" I need to expand that cell into individual
cells with J1, J2, J3, J8, J10, J12, J13, J14, J15 in them.

We usually get a bill of materials in excel format that will have a
part number and then all the reference designators associated with that
part number. So the part number of all the reference designators might
be 121-45.

The Excel file would have in cell A1, "121-45" and cell B1 would have
I would like some way to convert this to:

1 121-45 J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15

1 121-45 J1
2 121-45 J2
3 121-45 J3
4 121-45 J8
5 121-45 J10
6 121-45 J12
7 121-45 J13
8 121-45 J14
9 121-45 J15

There is a program called BOM explorer that does a function similar to
that. It is used mainly by contract manufacturers.
Any help would be appreciated.



I created a user defined function just recently that would handle most of it.
I can easily (I just did this) help break out the J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15
entries into groups and make it possible to get output like
121-45 J1-J3
121-45 J8
121-45 J10
121-45 J12-15

and I can see adapting that function to split the J1-J3 and J12-J15 items
into individual ones, coming up with the appropriate list. But (there's
always a but), need to know the rules about those entries. Are they always,
and I mean literally ALWAYS, a single letter followed by digits, or can they
be something else like JA1-JA14 or J9K1-J9K12? Or can we attack it by saying
that there will always be numbers at the right end, just work backwards to
the first non-digit character and assume that's the sequence begin/end
numbers and everything to the left of them is going to remain the same?

Depending on the answer to that, I think the UDF could be turned into a
usable macro - wouldn't be totally automatic because it would probably have a
hard time finding the 'source' data items, i.e. the 121-45 and
"J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15" entries. But probably by setting up a couple of rules
on how to use it, it could be done. And if things are always going to be one
way, such as where ever the 121-45 is at, the list will be 1 column (or set
number of columns) to the right of it, and from there, save the info, break
up the list and start placing it on the sheet either at the same place 121-45
was at or maybe just below it or whatever and then start putting it there.

But those are details, initial problem is to get format of those Jn things


Here, I think this code will work. Choose the cell with the list in it as
and then use Tools | Macros | Macro to [Run] macro named Breakout
Results will be placed starting at row below where the list is at.
If you need helping getting the code into your workbook, see:

A functioning workbook can be uploaded at:

The code to do it:

Sub Breakout()
'assumes you have cell with list selected
'when you call this macro AND
'that the ID (121-45) is in column
'immediately to the left of the one you're in
Dim RawData As String
Dim NumberOfGroups As Integer
Dim LoopCounter As Integer
Dim NumCounter As Integer
Dim EndSeparatorPosition As Integer
Dim groupSeparator As String ' comma that separates groups as J1,J2,J3
Dim itemSeparator As String ' dash used within ranging group as
J1-J3,J8-J14, etc.
Dim Groups() As String
Dim Pieces() As String
Dim FirstGroup As String
Dim GroupStartNumber As Long ' assumed whole numbers
Dim LastGroup As String
Dim GroupEndNumber As Long ' assumed whole numbers
Dim strTemp As String ' used to find GroupStart/EndNumber values
Dim GroupPrefix As String
Dim BaseInfo As String ' to save the "121-45" type data
Dim RowOffset As Long ' could be lots of them, so...

'will be one space for each group
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then
Exit Sub
End If
RawData = Trim(ActiveCell.Text)

If Len(RawData) = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' do nothing
End If
groupSeparator = "," ' set to whatever unique character you need
itemSeparator = "-" ' again, to whatever unique character is used
'find out how many groups
NumberOfGroups = 1 ' is at least one
If InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) Then
'at least 2, find out how many
For LoopCounter = 1 To Len(RawData)
If Mid(RawData, LoopCounter, 1) = groupSeparator Then
NumberOfGroups = NumberOfGroups + 1
End If
End If

'pull out each of the groups, put them in array
'Groups() to deal with later
ReDim Groups(1 To 1)
If NumberOfGroups = 1 Then
Groups(1) = RawData ' yes, just that easy for just one
'not so easy for multiples
Do Until InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) = 0
Groups(UBound(Groups)) = Left(RawData, _
InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) - 1)
RawData = Right(RawData, Len(RawData) - _
InStr(RawData, groupSeparator))
ReDim Preserve Groups(1 To UBound(Groups) + 1)
'one loop left over save it also
Groups(UBound(Groups)) = RawData
End If

'works great to this point!
For LoopCounter = 1 To UBound(Groups)
RawData = Groups(LoopCounter)
If InStr(RawData, itemSeparator) = 0 Then
'a one item group
On Error Resume Next
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = RawData
If Err <> 0 Then
ReDim Pieces(1 To 1)
Pieces(1) = RawData
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' clear trapping
ReDim Preserve Pieces(1 To UBound(Pieces) + 1) ' empty ready for
'multiple item group
FirstGroup = Left(RawData, InStr(RawData, itemSeparator) - 1)
LastGroup = Right(RawData, Len(RawData) - _
InStr(RawData, itemSeparator))
'presumes group start is numeric end of the whole thing, as 12
in J4B12
strTemp = ""
For NumCounter = Len(FirstGroup) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) >= "0" And _
Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) <= "9" Then
strTemp = Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) & strTemp
'all done in here
Exit For
End If
GroupStartNumber = Val(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
For NumCounter = Len(LastGroup) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) >= "0" _
And Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) <= "9" Then
strTemp = Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) & strTemp
'all done in here
Exit For
End If
GroupEndNumber = Val(strTemp)
GroupPrefix = Left(LastGroup, Len(LastGroup) - Len(strTemp))
'start building items and filling/adding to Items() array
For NumCounter = GroupStartNumber To GroupEndNumber
On Error Resume Next
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = GroupPrefix & Trim(Str(NumCounter))
If Err <> 0 Then
ReDim Pieces(1 To 1)
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = GroupPrefix &
End If
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim Preserve Pieces(1 To UBound(Pieces) + 1) ' empty ready
for next
End If
Next ' LoopCounter
'ready now to spit stuff out to the worksheet
BaseInfo = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value ' 1 column to left of current
'we will put the stuff on sheet starting at row right below original
'so that we can see results and save original for reuse/comparison/testing
RowOffset = 1 ' initialize
For LoopCounter = LBound(Pieces) To UBound(Pieces) - 1
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, -1) = BaseInfo
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, 0) = Pieces(LoopCounter)
RowOffset = RowOffset + 1
End Sub



That is a beauty. It works perfectly.

Thank you very much!!!!!!!

Here, I think this code will work. Choose the cell with the list in it as
and then use Tools | Macros | Macro to [Run] macro named Breakout
Results will be placed starting at row below where the list is at.
If you need helping getting the code into your workbook, see:

A functioning workbook can be uploaded at:

The code to do it:

Sub Breakout()
'assumes you have cell with list selected
'when you call this macro AND
'that the ID (121-45) is in column
'immediately to the left of the one you're in
Dim RawData As String
Dim NumberOfGroups As Integer
Dim LoopCounter As Integer
Dim NumCounter As Integer
Dim EndSeparatorPosition As Integer
Dim groupSeparator As String ' comma that separates groups as J1,J2,J3
Dim itemSeparator As String ' dash used within ranging group as
J1-J3,J8-J14, etc.
Dim Groups() As String
Dim Pieces() As String
Dim FirstGroup As String
Dim GroupStartNumber As Long ' assumed whole numbers
Dim LastGroup As String
Dim GroupEndNumber As Long ' assumed whole numbers
Dim strTemp As String ' used to find GroupStart/EndNumber values
Dim GroupPrefix As String
Dim BaseInfo As String ' to save the "121-45" type data
Dim RowOffset As Long ' could be lots of them, so...

'will be one space for each group
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then
Exit Sub
End If
RawData = Trim(ActiveCell.Text)

If Len(RawData) = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' do nothing
End If
groupSeparator = "," ' set to whatever unique character you need
itemSeparator = "-" ' again, to whatever unique character is used
'find out how many groups
NumberOfGroups = 1 ' is at least one
If InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) Then
'at least 2, find out how many
For LoopCounter = 1 To Len(RawData)
If Mid(RawData, LoopCounter, 1) = groupSeparator Then
NumberOfGroups = NumberOfGroups + 1
End If
End If

'pull out each of the groups, put them in array
'Groups() to deal with later
ReDim Groups(1 To 1)
If NumberOfGroups = 1 Then
Groups(1) = RawData ' yes, just that easy for just one
'not so easy for multiples
Do Until InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) = 0
Groups(UBound(Groups)) = Left(RawData, _
InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) - 1)
RawData = Right(RawData, Len(RawData) - _
InStr(RawData, groupSeparator))
ReDim Preserve Groups(1 To UBound(Groups) + 1)
'one loop left over save it also
Groups(UBound(Groups)) = RawData
End If

'works great to this point!
For LoopCounter = 1 To UBound(Groups)
RawData = Groups(LoopCounter)
If InStr(RawData, itemSeparator) = 0 Then
'a one item group
On Error Resume Next
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = RawData
If Err <> 0 Then
ReDim Pieces(1 To 1)
Pieces(1) = RawData
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' clear trapping
ReDim Preserve Pieces(1 To UBound(Pieces) + 1) ' empty ready for
'multiple item group
FirstGroup = Left(RawData, InStr(RawData, itemSeparator) - 1)
LastGroup = Right(RawData, Len(RawData) - _
InStr(RawData, itemSeparator))
'presumes group start is numeric end of the whole thing, as 12
in J4B12
strTemp = ""
For NumCounter = Len(FirstGroup) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) >= "0" And _
Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) <= "9" Then
strTemp = Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) & strTemp
'all done in here
Exit For
End If
GroupStartNumber = Val(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
For NumCounter = Len(LastGroup) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) >= "0" _
And Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) <= "9" Then
strTemp = Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) & strTemp
'all done in here
Exit For
End If
GroupEndNumber = Val(strTemp)
GroupPrefix = Left(LastGroup, Len(LastGroup) - Len(strTemp))
'start building items and filling/adding to Items() array
For NumCounter = GroupStartNumber To GroupEndNumber
On Error Resume Next
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = GroupPrefix & Trim(Str(NumCounter))
If Err <> 0 Then
ReDim Pieces(1 To 1)
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = GroupPrefix &
End If
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim Preserve Pieces(1 To UBound(Pieces) + 1) ' empty ready
for next
End If
Next ' LoopCounter
'ready now to spit stuff out to the worksheet
BaseInfo = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value ' 1 column to left of current
'we will put the stuff on sheet starting at row right below original
'so that we can see results and save original for reuse/comparison/testing
RowOffset = 1 ' initialize
For LoopCounter = LBound(Pieces) To UBound(Pieces) - 1
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, -1) = BaseInfo
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, 0) = Pieces(LoopCounter)
RowOffset = RowOffset + 1
End Sub

tbriggs said:
I have a situation where I have data in a single cell such
as:"J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15" I need to expand that cell into individual
cells with J1, J2, J3, J8, J10, J12, J13, J14, J15 in them.

We usually get a bill of materials in excel format that will have a
part number and then all the reference designators associated with that
part number. So the part number of all the reference designators might
be 121-45.

The Excel file would have in cell A1, "121-45" and cell B1 would have
I would like some way to convert this to:

1 121-45 J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15

1 121-45 J1
2 121-45 J2
3 121-45 J3
4 121-45 J8
5 121-45 J10
6 121-45 J12
7 121-45 J13
8 121-45 J14
9 121-45 J15

There is a program called BOM explorer that does a function similar to
that. It is used mainly by contract manufacturers.
Any help would be appreciated.



You're welcome. Glad it worked.

tbriggs said:

That is a beauty. It works perfectly.

Thank you very much!!!!!!!

Here, I think this code will work. Choose the cell with the list in it as
and then use Tools | Macros | Macro to [Run] macro named Breakout
Results will be placed starting at row below where the list is at.
If you need helping getting the code into your workbook, see:

A functioning workbook can be uploaded at:

The code to do it:

Sub Breakout()
'assumes you have cell with list selected
'when you call this macro AND
'that the ID (121-45) is in column
'immediately to the left of the one you're in
Dim RawData As String
Dim NumberOfGroups As Integer
Dim LoopCounter As Integer
Dim NumCounter As Integer
Dim EndSeparatorPosition As Integer
Dim groupSeparator As String ' comma that separates groups as J1,J2,J3
Dim itemSeparator As String ' dash used within ranging group as
J1-J3,J8-J14, etc.
Dim Groups() As String
Dim Pieces() As String
Dim FirstGroup As String
Dim GroupStartNumber As Long ' assumed whole numbers
Dim LastGroup As String
Dim GroupEndNumber As Long ' assumed whole numbers
Dim strTemp As String ' used to find GroupStart/EndNumber values
Dim GroupPrefix As String
Dim BaseInfo As String ' to save the "121-45" type data
Dim RowOffset As Long ' could be lots of them, so...

'will be one space for each group
If IsEmpty(ActiveCell) Then
Exit Sub
End If
RawData = Trim(ActiveCell.Text)

If Len(RawData) = 0 Then
Exit Sub ' do nothing
End If
groupSeparator = "," ' set to whatever unique character you need
itemSeparator = "-" ' again, to whatever unique character is used
'find out how many groups
NumberOfGroups = 1 ' is at least one
If InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) Then
'at least 2, find out how many
For LoopCounter = 1 To Len(RawData)
If Mid(RawData, LoopCounter, 1) = groupSeparator Then
NumberOfGroups = NumberOfGroups + 1
End If
End If

'pull out each of the groups, put them in array
'Groups() to deal with later
ReDim Groups(1 To 1)
If NumberOfGroups = 1 Then
Groups(1) = RawData ' yes, just that easy for just one
'not so easy for multiples
Do Until InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) = 0
Groups(UBound(Groups)) = Left(RawData, _
InStr(RawData, groupSeparator) - 1)
RawData = Right(RawData, Len(RawData) - _
InStr(RawData, groupSeparator))
ReDim Preserve Groups(1 To UBound(Groups) + 1)
'one loop left over save it also
Groups(UBound(Groups)) = RawData
End If

'works great to this point!
For LoopCounter = 1 To UBound(Groups)
RawData = Groups(LoopCounter)
If InStr(RawData, itemSeparator) = 0 Then
'a one item group
On Error Resume Next
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = RawData
If Err <> 0 Then
ReDim Pieces(1 To 1)
Pieces(1) = RawData
End If
On Error GoTo 0 ' clear trapping
ReDim Preserve Pieces(1 To UBound(Pieces) + 1) ' empty ready for
'multiple item group
FirstGroup = Left(RawData, InStr(RawData, itemSeparator) - 1)
LastGroup = Right(RawData, Len(RawData) - _
InStr(RawData, itemSeparator))
'presumes group start is numeric end of the whole thing, as 12
in J4B12
strTemp = ""
For NumCounter = Len(FirstGroup) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) >= "0" And _
Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) <= "9" Then
strTemp = Mid(FirstGroup, NumCounter, 1) & strTemp
'all done in here
Exit For
End If
GroupStartNumber = Val(strTemp)
strTemp = ""
For NumCounter = Len(LastGroup) To 1 Step -1
If Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) >= "0" _
And Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) <= "9" Then
strTemp = Mid(LastGroup, NumCounter, 1) & strTemp
'all done in here
Exit For
End If
GroupEndNumber = Val(strTemp)
GroupPrefix = Left(LastGroup, Len(LastGroup) - Len(strTemp))
'start building items and filling/adding to Items() array
For NumCounter = GroupStartNumber To GroupEndNumber
On Error Resume Next
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = GroupPrefix & Trim(Str(NumCounter))
If Err <> 0 Then
ReDim Pieces(1 To 1)
Pieces(UBound(Pieces)) = GroupPrefix &
End If
On Error GoTo 0
ReDim Preserve Pieces(1 To UBound(Pieces) + 1) ' empty ready
for next
End If
Next ' LoopCounter
'ready now to spit stuff out to the worksheet
BaseInfo = ActiveCell.Offset(0, -1).Value ' 1 column to left of current
'we will put the stuff on sheet starting at row right below original
'so that we can see results and save original for reuse/comparison/testing
RowOffset = 1 ' initialize
For LoopCounter = LBound(Pieces) To UBound(Pieces) - 1
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, -1) = BaseInfo
ActiveCell.Offset(RowOffset, 0) = Pieces(LoopCounter)
RowOffset = RowOffset + 1
End Sub

tbriggs said:
I have a situation where I have data in a single cell such
as:"J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15" I need to expand that cell into individual
cells with J1, J2, J3, J8, J10, J12, J13, J14, J15 in them.

We usually get a bill of materials in excel format that will have a
part number and then all the reference designators associated with that
part number. So the part number of all the reference designators might
be 121-45.

The Excel file would have in cell A1, "121-45" and cell B1 would have
I would like some way to convert this to:

1 121-45 J1-J3,J8,J10,J12-J15

1 121-45 J1
2 121-45 J2
3 121-45 J3
4 121-45 J8
5 121-45 J10
6 121-45 J12
7 121-45 J13
8 121-45 J14
9 121-45 J15

There is a program called BOM explorer that does a function similar to
that. It is used mainly by contract manufacturers.
Any help would be appreciated.


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