Expanding a node in a treeview



I need to know when a node will be expanded in a treeview. However I did not
find no event that I can use.

I only found an event that is trigged when the node is selected.

How I can make to have this event?

Daniel Moth

In CF v1 that is correct. You may be able to use IMessageFilter with
ApplicationEx (search archives) to get what you want but it is not offered
out of the box and I haven't done it myself.

In CF v2 we get events for that too (After/Before Expand).



Hi Daniel, I saw an example of use of the ApplicationEx class and it seems
simple to use.

Which message I must wait for to solve my question ? Some WM_*?

Daniel Moth

Off the top of my head sorry, I have no idea. If I had to do this myself I
would start at two places and make them meet:
1. Read the win32 documentation on the tree control
2. Use my favourite decompiler to see how it is implemented on the desktop
(full framework)

Also if you search the archives you'll find a sample (by Alex F I think)
showing how to catch a click event and use hittesting to determine the node.
That could be a starter.


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