exel in access



i got this very simple table, with 3 fields
date, product code, quantity order.
my problem now is:
i want to change the quantity order as in exel, picking up the column
"quantity order" and replace all quantities with a past.
the problem is, "the order" of the day changes at 10.00 all mornings and i
want to update all values with the new values. the person who supplies me the
orders just works with exel.

thank u


access is not excel so doing it as in excel is not
what i would try first is linking to the excel file so i
could use the excel file as an access table. that way i
would have access to the data as it changed. then write an
update query to update your table with any changes.
the whole process could be reduced to a button click at
10:01 and could be done in nanoseconds.
if you cannot link to the excel file as is then i would
try to have it put on a public drive or have the file
emailed to you and save it so you can link to it on your
post back if you have any questions.

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