Execute SQL sentence


William Ryan eMVP

If you mean SQL statement (which I'm guessing you are, just wanted to be
sure) then yes , and ADO.NET would be of little benefit without it.

I see Cor pointed you in the right direction (he's the man!) . I'd just like
to add that if you really want to learn ADO.NET, two resources are must
have. David Sceppa's ADO.NET Core Reference by MSPress and Bill Vaughn's ADO
& ADO.NET Best Practices. They both saved my butt so many times I owe Bill
and David quite a bit (fortunately they haven't sent anyone to collect from
me yet) Bill's site www.betav.com has some Great articles. MSDN has a ton
of good stuff. www.sqljunkies.com and www.dotnetjunkies.com are also two
good references. Our dataAccess section has some good stuff at
www.knowdotnet.com/dataaccess.html is another good source.


W.G. Ryan, eMVP


Jeffrey Tan[MSFT]

Hi Carlos,

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Jeffrey Tan
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