Execute a VBScript embedded in Outlook HTML


James R Houck

WI need to determine a way to get Outlook to execute VB Script
embedded inside of an html based email. We have VB Script that uses
the OWC( excel component to generate a spreadsheet and a chart). To
get the spreadsheet and chart to appear in the email, we need outlook
to execute the VB Script.

The VBScript is currently trigger by the Window_onLoad() event. We are
not limited to this method. We can inline the VBScript or we can
create a separate function or subroutine which method works best
inside Outlook.

To summarize, we need to execute VBScript in an HTML based email that
is sent to a user of the Outlook client.

Hope this information is sufficient.

Sue Mosher [MVP]

Outlook blocks script in HTML messages, because such scripts pose a major
security risk. If this is for internal use, consider using code behind a
published Outlook form instead of an HTML script.

Charles Canning

Hi Sue,

I am new to scripting with VB and have not done any Outlook scripting.
Would you please provide more information about creating an Outlook
form? Also, could the form use data supplied in an email or


Sue Mosher [MVP]

See http://www.slipstick.com/dev/forms.htm for basic Outlook forms
references. The code behind a form can read the body of an email message and
possibly also that in an attachment, depending on the type of file.
Sue Mosher, Outlook MVP
Author of
Microsoft Outlook Programming - Jumpstart for
Administrators, Power Users, and Developers

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