.exe started by a service crashes when sound card or USB device ac



When the process aft.exe is started normally (double click on .exe file),
everything works OK!

When I start aft.exe from a service using Process.Start(), aft.exe crashes
when the sound card or a USB device is accessed.

I thought the problem could be permissions. There is only one hardware
profile on my computer.


Check the standard output property and see if there are messages. Try the
same by starting aft.exe from the command line and accessing the hardware.
This will rule out normal behavior that .NET cannot compensate for. I will
have to think about other ideas.

NOTE: Standard out might give you some info that will help determine the
real root of the problem..

Gregory A. Beamer

Think Outside the Box!


I've started AFT.exe many ways but...

AFT.exe does not crash unless started by a service using Process.Start()

Rhett Gong [MSFT]

Could you try set the service logon type to a user account to see if it
could run correctly?
If not, then this may be a permission issue in aft.exe to access the io
device. Could you tell which API you called inside the AFT failed? And what
error you get? If possible, could you post some snippet here so that we
can test in house to see what really happens.

Rhett Gong [MSFT]
Microsoft Online Partner Support

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