Exe files stop working after a while



Hi, I just installed a new HD. Now when I boot up the computer
everything works fine for a while - say 5 minutes. After that I can
move around fine in explorer, etc. but no exe file will work. Click on
any shortcut icon to a program file and the hourglass runs for a few
seconds, then disappears and nothing happens....typing command in "Run"
does not work either.

Tried to do windows updates but that just continually looks for updates
and isn't finding anything. What is the problem??? Windows XP home, SP
2 installed from a CD - same CD I used on this PC before......

In Control Panel, System Devices everything is working properly -
however I just let XP install all the drivers rather than use the
motherboard CD.....

Any ideas what this could be?

Thanks, Bevin B.


This is not the problem. I can run exe files fine for a few minutes.
eg. I just downloaded three add-ons for XP, then tried to install them.
The first 2 worked fine, but then the next one did not. All that
happens is the hourglass comes on, the HD light flashes once, and then
nothing. Also, if I then go to restart the PC, that does not work. I
click on restart, the hourglass comes on, the HD light flashes once,
and nothing. If I press the reset button on the PC tower, and reboot
it that way, it works fine for a few minutes again....and even when I
cannot run any exe files I can still surf/use the internet (if I opened
my browser before the exe files stopped working - which is exactly the
case as I am typing this.... ) but unless I reboot the PC, I can not
now open any new programs---but I can move around fine in Explorer....

Could this be a faulty HD?

Any help appreciated!

thanks, Bevin B.

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