.exe file for Front Page??


Pam Mather

Can anyone tell me where the .exe files for Front Page reside on the
computer? I had Front Page 2000 and recently installed 2002. I installed
it in it's own folder, but it picked up all the info from FP 2000 and
replaced my desktop icon shortcut for '00 with '02. I need to use 2000 for
a site (it's a long story lol) but I can't seem to figure out how to bring
it up. I assume I could just open either version by clicking on the .exe
files if I could find them? Or has 2002 just overtaken 2000 and I won't be
able to use it anymore?

A private reply would be nice, I may not be able to find my way back here


Pam Mather
(e-mail address removed)

Paul Seymour [MSFT]

You should be able to create a shortcut on your desktop for the FrontPage 2000 executable if it is still on your machine.
Go to Start, then Search, and choose All Files and Folders. You are looking for a file called frontpg.exe.

Paul Seymour, MCSE
Partner Technical Lead

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Stefan B Rusynko

Or typically in
C:\Program Files\Microsoft Office\OFFICE

| Pam:
| Try Start | Programs - FrontPage 2000 should be available there.
| --
| ~ Kathleen Anderson
| Microsoft FrontPage MVP
| Spider Web Woman Designs
| http://www.spiderwebwoman.com/resources/
| > Can anyone tell me where the .exe files for Front Page reside on the
| > computer? I had Front Page 2000 and recently installed 2002. I
| > installed it in it's own folder, but it picked up all the info from
| > FP 2000 and replaced my desktop icon shortcut for '00 with '02. I
| > need to use 2000 for a site (it's a long story lol) but I can't seem
| > to figure out how to bring it up. I assume I could just open either
| > version by clicking on the .exe files if I could find them? Or has
| > 2002 just overtaken 2000 and I won't be able to use it anymore?
| >
| > A private reply would be nice, I may not be able to find my way back
| > here :)
| >
| > Thanks!
| >
| > Pam Mather
| > (e-mail address removed)

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