Exe calling a dll



I have made a dll with VB.net, and this dll call a another dll.

Now i will test my dll in a exe program, always in vb.net.

It's working at the first execution of the exe. But when I regenerate
the exe, I can't. So I try to delete the exe in PPC, and I can't
because there a sharing violation with the exe and the two dlls.

Any idea ? What I must do in my code after calling the dll ?

Chris Tacke, eMVP

The EXE assembly is still loaded. Either you spawned a worker thread and
didn't kill it, or you've only minimized your Form.



Le 06.10.2004, Chris Tacke, eMVP a supposé :
The EXE assembly is still loaded. Either you spawned a worker thread and
didn't kill it, or you've only minimized your Form.


When I exit from my exe, I do a me.close. My exe is not running in the

In my dll I do a System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(200), but I don't kill
the thread.
If I must kill it, how can i do this?

Dick Grier


The way that I kill a thread is to have the thread process monitor a flag
that I set when I exit the app (Closing event). If this flag is set, then I
exit the thread.

You also can use the Abort method in the threading extensions in


Richard Grier (Microsoft Visual Basic MVP)

See www.hardandsoftware.net for contact information.

Author of Visual Basic Programmer's Guide to Serial Communications, 4th
Edition ISBN 1-890422-28-2 (391 pages) published July 2004.

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