Exclusive access for creating reports?



We have recently changed over from Access 97 to 2000 and I
am creating a new report. The computer comes up with the
message. 'You do not have exclusive access to the database
at this time. If you proceed to make changes you may not
save them at a later time. When I proceed, I can't save or
print or do anything to the reports.

In 97 we didn't need exclusive access for reports. How do
I overcome this as we cannot provide exclusive access to




There's only one way to work around this issue and it has been recommended
even with A97 databases and that is to split the database into front end and
backend databases, where the forms, reports, queries and code reside in the
Front End and only the data resides in the backend. This allows you to
keep the backend on the shared server and then each user is provided there
own local copy of the front end.

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