excluding the blanks



I have two columns in my worksheet one is Course the other in attendenc
as a percentage.

I want to work out the overall attendence for each course.

I have worked out how to sum the attendence for a particular cours
using SUMIF.


I then need to divide this by the total number of people registered o
Beauty to get the overall attendence. This should be simple but ther
are some people for whom no attendence is recorded on the Beaut
course. I need to exclude these from the count.

Somethiing like "Count all those registered on beauty for who
attendence is not blank"

any help much appreciated,




That works for most but for some reason I really can't fathom i
doesn't work when the course is "Art".

Some one else suggested that I have a hidden column next to th
attendence with 1 if there is an attendence and 0 if otherwise. Then
can sum that colum. It is a bit of a hack but I kow it will work.

I'm sure your way would have been prettier :)


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