exception while copying a file to a network drive



I using the routine below to copy file to a network drive for a regular
backup process. Before calling this routine I using another function to check
the presence of the LAN connection and the server where the network drive
Although of this check I am sometimes getting an exception (in 5% of
times)saying "Could not find the U:\...\File.ext" or part of its path"
Although the network dirve is available and accessible by windows explorer
and the path is correct and
I would apreciate if some one can help troubleshooting this unexpected and
non understandable error.

Private Sub CopyFile(ByVal DstBasePath As String, ByVal SrcFileInfo As


Dim strDstFile As String = DstBasePath &

Dim DstFileInfo As New FileInfo(strDstFile)
If DstFileInfo.Directory.Exists = False Then
End If

Me.c_Status = String.Format("Copying {0}{1}To {2}", SrcFileInfo.Name,
vbCrLf, DstBasePath)

Me.c_Progress += 1

Me.c_FCD_Status.Invoke(SrcFileInfo.Name, Me.c_Progress, Me.c_Status,

If DstFileInfo.Exists = False Then
ElseIf DstFileInfo.LastWriteTime <> SrcFileInfo.LastWriteTime Then
SrcFileInfo.CopyTo(DstFileInfo.FullName, True)
End If

Catch exIO As IOException

Catch ex As Exception

End Try

End Sub



Looking through your question. Please tell me the answers to these

1) What is c_Status?
2) What is c_Progress? I think an Integer, but why are you using this if you
aren't using a recursive copy?
3) What is c_FCD_Status?
4) Is youe U:\ drive original or destination directory?
5) Have you tried an UNC path instead? Example: \\MyServer\MyPath etc.
6) Why are you creating a directory based on the filename?
7) Do you have to use FileInfo instead of a string for the srcFileInfo?
8) What file permissions are you using to copy a file over a network drive?

Awaiting your answers



Thank you for your time looking at my question. Here's the answers:
1- c_Status is string e.g. "Copying xxx.yyy to c:\dstDir"
2- c_Progress is integer and it is used because the routine is recuresive
it's called with a loop in another routine.
3- c_FCD_Status is "Private c_FCD_Status As FileCopierStatus" where
FileCopierStatus is "Delegate Sub FileCopierStatus(ByVal FileName As String,
ByVal Progress As Integer, ByVal strStatus As String, ByVal Status As
4- "U:\" is the distination directory and it's a mapped drive. On our
network there is a personal network drive for each user that is noly
accessible by the user only and mapped to "U:"
5- I have not try the UNC because the network drive is mapped on every
target machine as said the previous point.
6 & 7- are not clear form. What's the point?
8- I don't use a file permession to copy the file over the network, because
the user is having full control over his network personal drive "U:\" see
note: 4

Just to clarify When run this routin 100 times it gives the error message on
about 5 times out of the 100. So it's working fine but for know reason it
gives the exception "Couldn't find path U:\...\file.xxx" which means there's
a problem to access the destination file.

Also it could help if I mentioned this error is happening at the CopyTo
method of the FileInfo class, so you can forget about other lines in my code
because there a many other detatils that can not be given in such short note

Thanks in advance.

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