Excell formula help



I am looking for a formula that would provide the following functions.

I have two colums of data, the first colum has internet addresses (Domain
names) and the second has the number of requests for this address (Hits).
First I need to sort the data by the first colum. Then need to add duplicate
entries in colum 2 (number of hits). This maybe 2 or 3 lines of duplicate
data in colum one and remove the duplicates leaving just one example with the
total next to it in colum 2. I have included a example below.

yahoo.com 24,349
yahoo.com 15,203
yahoo.com 20,584
us.army.mil 23,870
us.army.mil 43,090
us.army.mil 15,203

In a nutshell: Add the 3 like domains and remove 2 duplicates and leaving
one example with the sum total next to it and continue down the whole row of

This may seem remedial but I don't work with Excel very much. I appreciate
any help you can provide. Thanks!

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