Excel2000 VBA problems



Hi colleagues,
I develop VBA Excel2000 project - computer tests for
knowledge assessment.
My problems:
1. I want to disable Close Button on the title bar of some
forms to prevent the examinee from undesirable program
2. My project supports files, hidden from the examinee and
I want to hide from the application title bar the
filenames of these files, when my project opens it.
3. I use forms as containers for images (.wmf). When I use
obout 20 images (combination between short text and vector
graphics) and I try to cicle then as objects, to find the
appropriate, I get Application error and Excell closes.
Memory problem? I use 256 MB RAM.

Thanks in advance,
(e-mail address removed)

Rob Bovey

Hi Nikolay,
1. I want to disable Close Button on the title bar of some
forms to prevent the examinee from undesirable program

Add the following code to the UserForm:

Private Sub UserForm_QueryClose(Cancel As Integer, _
CloseMode As Integer)
2. My project supports files, hidden from the examinee and
I want to hide from the application title bar the
filenames of these files, when my project opens it.

My advice would be to save these workbooks hidden. Choose Window/Hide
from the Excel menu and then use the Visual Basic Editor to save the
workbook that way. Then when your application uses these workbooks the user
won't see them.

Just make sure that the code that uses these workbooks is not using
Selection, ActiveSheet, unqualified Range references, etc. because these
will not operate as expected with hidden workbooks.
3. I use forms as containers for images (.wmf). When I use
obout 20 images (combination between short text and vector
graphics) and I try to cicle then as objects, to find the
appropriate, I get Application error and Excell closes.
Memory problem? I use 256 MB RAM.

I haven't seen this before. Can you duplicate this error on other
machines? Does the problem go away if you reduce the number of images?

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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