Excel XP Sum Array Formula


SMS - John Howard

Can anyone give me the syntax for a sample Sum Array Formula for summing
ranges accross multi worksheets?


John Howard
Sydney Australia


Hi John

not sure why you need an array formula for this

will sum all of the values from sheet1 to sheet5 (where these are the first
& last sheets that you want to include in the calculation) for the range


SMS - John Howard

Hi Julie,

Thanks for the response.
Unfortunately, I do need an array formula as I wish to sum across several
worksheets sheets based on multi variabe criteria.

For example assuming 12 worksheets, one for each month of the year.
I want to sum the full year sales revenue for salesman Joe Bloggs for his
sales of item part number CW323 in the Australian Capital Territory where
discount exceeded 20%.

In short this is beyond the scope of a straight sum formula and too many
levels of criteria for a sumif formula.
The only solution I can think of isan array formula if this is possible.


John Howard

Sydney, Australia

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