Excel XP: How to make a reference to a library persistent




I need a reference to the library "Microsoft Visual Basic For Applications
Extensibility". For each new document I have to check this option in the VBA
editor again. Is it possible to make this option persistent?




Hi Marcel,
It's simple.

Start a new blank workbook.
Go to Viusal Basic Editor and add the reference to the required library
(or libraries).

Save the the workbook as a Template (.xlt) giving a name you will easily
remember :- e.g. 'VB-App-Ext.xlt'.
Save this template in default template path (When you click on save, (or
save as), in the Save window, in 'Save As Type' field (which is bottom
most), click on the Down arrow and select 'Template (*.xlt). This will
save the file in the default template path.

Close the workbook.

Whenever you want a new document with reference to the that library
simply click on File Menu-> Select New-> Select 'VB-App-Ext.xlt'.



Hello Sharad,

Thank you for your solution. I thought there would be some kind of
normal.dot as Word has, but this will do the job also very well. Now I can
start Excel from the Alpha Five database program load a new document based
on that template and create with Xbasic macro code in Excel to execute.
Thanks a lot.



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