Excel VBA-Personal Budget: Identifying text in a column...



Identifying text in a column, reading a sum in the next column an
subtracting that number from a cell with the total.

For instance:
If one of the cells from A2:A10 = "Visa Payment" then subtract (an
here's where I get lost) the sum ($$ payment) from the correlating cel
in column B from a cell with the total.

I have the columns named: Date, Debtor, Payment and Total Due.

Any ideas? I think it's a simple IF, THEN, ELSE formula, but I can'
get my brain around it.


George Nicholson

I am not 100% sure where your PreviousTotal Due, Payments and Balance Due
amounts are/should go, but maybe this will help:


If there has been a VisaPayment, subtract the Payment from the TotalDue,
otherwise return the TotalDue.


George Nicholson

Remove 'Junk' from return address.

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