Excel VBA Code Modules



Hey y'all!

Anybody know where I can find an article that explains modules more
thoroughly than Help? I'm writing an app that has routines in several
different modules, for sheet events, workbook events, etc. I'd like to
collect them into a single module to ease distribution, but one routine or
another won't work right from each module I try (ThisSheet, ThisWorkbook,
Modules, etc.) I'd rather not use Personal, again to ease distribution a bit.
My app is for Excel 2003 under Windows XP, but will need to be backward
compatible with Excel 2000 under 98SE.

In case you couldn't guess, I'm not a professional programmer. I just made
the mistake of taking a couple of VBA classes... and telling the boss about
them ;-) Thanks for the help!

Marquis B.
Hampstead, NC USA

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."
- Gen. Colin Powell


This site might help. I don't know exactly what you are looking for, but
this is pretty fundamental stuff.


Hi JLGWhiz, and thanks for the quick reply.

Re: what I'm looking for. Basically I've written my app, but now I have
routines spread across three modules. I'd like to condense them into a single
module, but the Workbook Open routine will only work when it's in the
ThisWorkbook module, Click events only work when they're in ModuleN, etc. I'm
trying to get a better background about modules in general so I know if I can
condense them at all. If so, what goes where, etc. Is that any clearer?
Thanks again...
Marquis B.
Hampstead, NC USA

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."
- Gen. Colin Powell

Chip Pearson


If you're willing to slightly modify your code, you could take all the event
handling out of the SheetN modules and put it in to the ThisWorkbook module.
A workbook has events that correspond to sheet events, and receive as a
parameter the sheet raising the event. For example,

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)

in each sheet can handled by

Private Sub Workbook_SheetChange(ByVal Sh As Object, ByVal Target As Range)

in ThisWorkbook.

Here, Sh is the sheet being changed. If you put the Worksheet_Change code
in Workbook_SheetChange, you must (!) ensure that Range references are
pointing to Sh. If you don't prefix Range references with Sh, they'll point
to the ActiveSheet not Sh.
I'd like to condense them into a single module

There is really no compelling reason to consolidate several code modules in
to a single module. You won't get any performance improvement. In fact, it
is often good practice to use multiple modules in a project. You can have a
separate module for a family of related procedures. Grouping related
procedures into their own module promotes good organization and code re-use.
If each module is self-contained, you will find that you can re-use modules
across multiple projects. For example, I have dozens of VBA modules each of
which contains a group of related procedures, such as utility functions for
arrays. If I'm working on a project that does work with arrays, I just
Import the Array module into the project and have access to all my array
handling procedures. No need to rewrite code for every project.

If you have multiple modules each contain essentially unrelated procedures,
there's wrong with consolidating them into a single module.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)


Hi Mr. Pearson:

My app will require a bit of tweaking yet, so modifying code & juggling
routines is no problem. Can the "ThisWorkbook" module also handle "OnClick"
events assigned to drawing objects though? I tried putting the OnClick events
in ThisWorkbook, but it seems they can't access my public variables from that
Marquis B.
Hampstead, NC USA

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."
- Gen. Colin Powell

Chip Pearson

There is no "OnClick" event for shapes. If you're talking about the OnAction
property, or the assigned macro, you can put the code in ThisWorkbook, and
assign "ThisWorkbook.MacroName" to the OnAction property or assigned macro.
MacroName MUST be declared Public. E.g.,

Public Sub MacroName()
Debug.Print "OK
End Sub

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC
(email address is on the web site)


Understood re: "OnClick" event, it's a series of macros I assign to
corresponding drawing objects on the sheet (as you suggest on your site, if
memory serves). All of my subs and variables are declared as public for this
purpose, but when I put the macros in ThisWorkbook I get a run-time error
"Mode not defined" (where Mode is a public variable declared in the
ThisWorkbook module). I was confused too, but as I said I'm not a
professional programmer... figured it was just something I was missing. I
should prob just invest the $ for a couple of hours of your time to figure it
out right. Then again, wouldn't that take all the "fun" out of it? ;-)

P.S. Your site has been IMMENSELY helpful, for this project and with past
applications! No doubt I'll be using it for future apps as well. Thanks for
that; you're very generous with your talents.
Marquis B.
Hampstead, NC USA

"Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier."
- Gen. Colin Powell

Tom Ogilvy

My guess would be:

to use the public variables from the thisworkbook module

Public lMode as Long

if you try to address it from some other module, then it is a property of
Thisworkbook so you would use Thisworkbook.lMode

Just for clarity, I wouldn't use Mode as a variable name since there is a
worksheetfunction also named Mode and it is a a property of the office
assistant object I believe.

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