Excel SUMIF on Multiple Worksheets - Any Ideas?



Hi - I wondered if anyone could help with this challenge.

I have a timesheet workbook set up, each worksheet is a differen
persons' timesheet (approx 30 worksheets) and another is a Summar

Cell A4 in each of the 30 worksheets tells me the persons' departmen
(e.g "Admin", "Accounts", "Sales" etc). Cell B7 holds the total numbe
of hours worked.

The challenge is this:

On a Summary worksheet, I need to add all the cells B7 together, base
on the department. E.g. If cell A4 contains Admin, then sum all of th
relevant cells B7, and give me the total number of hours pe

On a single worksheet, this can be done easily, using a SUMIF, but
cannot so far think of a way to get this working across the 3

It's had me stumped all moring, and I am hoping someone may know a
answer! - Please! - Pretty please

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