excel spread sheet sums not showing up



example: I have a sum for the amount of time people worked with clients. it
shows up when all the clients are showing. but if I only show one client,
then no sums show up for that client, only the time worked on any given day,
is there a way to make the sum show up that totals all the time for the
client worked to date?


I would like it if i didn'thave to limit it to J23 but it would sum up what
ever was in that column.

But like i said when i sort to one person that one persons sub totals don't
show up at all, only when I have everyones showing up.....

Dave Peterson

I'm guessing that you used Data|Filter and Data|Subtotals at the same time.

If you filter to hide the details, then =subtotal() will ignore the hidden rows.

Either drop the filter (and use the outlining symbols to the left) or drop the

Maybe you can use row 1 to show the subtotals:


kind of formulas.

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