Excel Should Have a History Function.



Ever used graphic design programs and notice the history of each step that
you took to accomplish something. well that same functionality should be
incorporated into the next excel. as a student i often find it helpful to
look back at what i did to see how certain functions were executed. in
addition, a printing of the history should be available too, professors like
to see how you did things. simply showing the formulas for each cell does not
satisfy the need for a history function. I look forward to seeing this
function in the future release of excel. Thanks.

i am using excel 2003.

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Harlan Grove

Ray M. wrote...
Ever used graphic design programs and notice the history of each step
that you took to accomplish something. well that same functionality
should be incorporated into the next excel. as a student i often find
it helpful to look back at what i did to see how certain functions
were executed. in addition, a printing of the history should be
available too, professors like to see how you did things. simply
showing the formulas for each cell does not satisfy the need for a
history function. I look forward to seeing this function in the
future release of excel. Thanks.

How large do you want Excel files to become?

What sort of history? Absolutely ALL actions?

History of all changes in such a way that you can see every past state?

It's possible to use the macro recorder to record discrete sets of
steps taken during the creation of a workbook model. You could play
back such macros in initial sequence to recreate your workbook. So in a
way the functionality you're requesting already exists.

That said, don't hold your breath waiting for Microsoft to enable
recording of individual keystrokes and mouse actions while in Enter,
Point or Edit modes.

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