Excel Save Time



I have a fairly complex VBA program in an Excel Workbook. The file size is about 800KB but the save time to my computer takes about 30 seconds. I have a Pentium III 1066MHz with 1 GB of RAM.

The file used to save fairly quickly, it just seems like in the last week or so that the save time becomes longer and longer each time I save the file. I am saving the file to my local hard drive, not a network drive

Any help would be greatly appreciated.

Gord Dibben


A lot of "slow" Excel problems are caused by too many files in your
Windows\Temp folders.

Clear out your Windows\Temp folder.(see notes below)

If using WinXP another Temp folder would be in your

Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp

If you are a Net, the Temp folder could be just about anywhere.

Notes on deleting Windows\Temp files............

Re-boot to make sure there are no Temp files being used by Windows(program
installs, updates etc.) It is easy to forget that when Windows stated "Your
Computer needs to re-boot to complete this update. Re-boot Now?" and you
clicked "No, I'll do it later". The files are stored in Windows\Temp folder.
If you delete them before a re-boot, you can hoop whatever was going on.

After the re-boot, select all files in Windows\Temp folder and delete.

Also in Documents and Settings\User\Local Settings\Temp

Another item to check is Outlook Journalling. If it is checked "on" it will
slow down saves. Tools>Options>Journal Options.

For more help on speeding up Excel see Charles Williams' site.


Gord Dibben Excel MVP

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