Excel Registry Add in settings


R Avery

I am looking in


at the OPENx subkeys.

OPEN = '/F "C:\Program Files\Microsoft

OPEN3 = '/R "C:\Program Files\Microsoft

What do the /F and /R commands do? The rest of the add-ins that i have
loaded contain neither.

Rob Bovey

The /F switch means it's a demand-loaded add-in. The menu for it is
created by another registry key and the add-in file is not actually opened
until you select its menu. The /R switch opens the add-in read-only.

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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R Avery

Where in the object model can I access these properties, or do I have to
insert the /F or /R switch manually using registry API calls? Are there
any other switches available?

Rob Bovey

R Avery said:
Where in the object model can I access these properties, or do I have to
insert the /F or /R switch manually using registry API calls? Are there
any other switches available?

You have to insert these manually using Registry API calls when you
install you add-in. For the /F switch you also have to use the Regisry API
to build your menu and you need to add a special defined name to your add-in
so that Excel recognizes it as demand-loaded. These are the only switched
that I'm aware of.

All of this is described in the Excel 97 SDK, although it's pretty
difficult to locate. The text for the Excel 97 SDK can be found in the MSDN



Office Solutions Development
Microsoft Office
Microsoft Office 97
Product Documentation
Microsoft Excel 97 Developer's Kit

Rob Bovey, MCSE, MCSD, Excel MVP
Application Professionals

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