Excel Open Error



Ok, I have a really bizarre problem...

I have a workbook "file1". If I open file1 and make any chnage such as
changing the test of a header cell and save file1 as file2 and close it. I
can then open file2 but if I make a similar little change to file2 and save
as file3 and close. When I try to open file3 I get an error from excel that

"Microsoft Excel has encountered a problem and needs to close. We are sorry
for the inconvenience."

It tries to repair the file3 but if I view the repairs it indicates that the
prblems were so extensive that it could not be repaired.

The original file1 I don't think has anything special about it. Some
formulas referring to cells in other sheets of the same file, some drop down
lists. There is a worksheet function (code below) but even if I delete this
code I have the same problem. Even if I delete all the sheets the problem

Does anyone have any idea why this would be happening ???

Private Sub Worksheet_Change(ByVal Target As Range)
If Target.Cells.Count > 1 Then Exit Sub
If Intersect(Range("B31:B126"), Target) Is Nothing Then Exit Sub

Application.EnableEvents = False
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationManual

Application.Run "VarMacro.xls!update5mBlotter" ' another workbook
Application.Run "VarMacro.xls!updateHourBlotter" ' another workbook

Application.EnableEvents = True
Application.Calculation = xlCalculationAutomatic

End Sub


Just trying to gather some more information here.

When you open save rename and open again, do you have any other copies
(under earlier names) open in Excel? Or is it just one workbook open?

If you take file1, save as file4, close it and open it up, do you get the
same error?


on your 1st question: no - no other copies open at the time. I save then
close then try re-opening the newly saved file.

2nd question: no, if i go back to the original file and saveas there is no
error until the 2nd generation of the file.

A further note: a dialog box pops up to "send error to microsoft". If I
press that, a message comes back that microsoft has identified a patch for
this error. I haven't downloaded the patch yet but when I do I will post an



At least there's hope for a cure.

macroplay said:
on your 1st question: no - no other copies open at the time. I save then
close then try re-opening the newly saved file.

2nd question: no, if i go back to the original file and saveas there is no
error until the 2nd generation of the file.

A further note: a dialog box pops up to "send error to microsoft". If I
press that, a message comes back that microsoft has identified a patch for
this error. I haven't downloaded the patch yet but when I do I will post an



Unfortunately, the updates haven't helped. If you have any suggestions please
let me know.



Sorry, I've got no clue at this point. I cannot duplicate the problem here
in Excel 2003. When you said "header cell" did you mean in a sheet header or
just in a cell at the top of a column (row 1)?


Sorry for the delay, I was on holiday.

I fixed my problem by opening a new workbook and copy/pasting all the
worksheets ,code,and formulas over from the old workbook. It seems that the
problem only occured with this one file that I inherited from a previous
designer although I can see no reason for the problem.


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