Excel Not Responding


Chris waller

c have been sent an Excel Spreadsheet at work to Complete. The data on the
sheet refers to 150 of my colleagues. As I am not privy to the information
requested I have had to forward it to all the people concerned. When the
spreadsheets are sent back I have to copy the data into the Master
spreadsheet. As the Master spreadsheet reacts very slowlyI wondered if there
was a way to speed things up? I have changed the automatic calc to manual and
this has helped a bit, but when I have two spreadsheets open I keep getting
the “not responding†message and the only option is to closed down Excel.
Does anyone know what other steps I can take in order to speed things up and
prevent Excel from freezing? Unfortunately I cannot do anything to the PC,
more’s the pity!


Not sure on how effective this would prove in alleviating your problem. Just
some thoughts. With calc set to manual mode, do the copy n paste of all 150
returns separately into a plain*, new file first (don't open the Master).
Then only do the returns' "transfers" at one go from this plain, new file
into the Master.
*w/o any formulas/charts, whatever
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