Excel Newbie - page break problem.


Jack Altradmon

I'm using someone's existing Excel workbook as a template for mine.
I've done some cut and pasting to re-arrange rows but now when I go
into page break preview expecting to see 2 pages, it auto paginates
into about 80 pages - all rows seem to be page breaks. I've tried
reseting page breaks or manually moving them etc but still cannot get
it correct.
The nearest I've got is 3 pages but when I print I get the top 20 or
so rows repeated on each page with only the bottom half of the page
showing anything different.

As a complete newcomer to Excel this is driving me crazy. Any help


Hi, Jack

Why don't we at least get you back to square one? Always save to a new name before doing what someone suggests..

File-Print area, Clear print area. Now, ONLY if you don't want to print the whole thing, choose the area you want to print and hit File-Print area, Set print area. If you want to print only certain columns but ALL rows, choose only the column headings of the area you want to print, i.e., choose columns B through H, then File-Print area-Set print area

File-Page setup, Sheet tab: Remove anything in "rows to repeat at top" and hit the button and pick only those rows you want repeated at the top of each page (if any)

Hope this helps
Anne Tro
Author: Dreamboat on Wor
Email: Dreamboat*at*Piersontech.co
Web: www.TheOfficeExperts.com

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