Excel macro to connect points as line on graph

Jun 8, 2010
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I have a button that will take two cells and plot that point on a graph I have on the excel sheet. I want it now to connect each point that is placed on the graph in a line to the previous points. I tried to store the points each time, but when I click the button to plot a new point, it clears any previous points. I also can't set an Array as public.
I have attached the file, but if it doesn't work here is some of the code I use to plot the points in the first place. Maybe it's not as clean as it could be, but i'm a novice Mech. Engineer using excel.
Private Sub CommandButton2_Click()
i = i + 1
Plot_point.plot (i)
End Sub
Sub plot(j As Variant)
Dim ctObject As ChartObject
Dim Cht As Chart
Dim scSeries As SeriesCollection
Dim PreviousX As Variant
Dim PreviousY As Variant
Set ctObject = Worksheets("How to find Psat").ChartObjects(1)
Set Cht = ctObject.Chart
Set scSeries = Cht.SeriesCollection
'''''This is where I tried to store the previous values
If j > 1 Then
PreviousX = rgX
PreviousY = rgY
End If
rgX = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("How to find Psat").Range("D37")
rgY = ThisWorkbook.Sheets("How to find Psat").Range("D42")
''''''This didn't work too well . . .
If j > 1 Then
Set dropline = ActiveSheet.Shapes.AddLine(PreviousX, PreviousY, rgX, rgY)
End If
With scSeries.NewSeries
.Name = Str(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("How to find Psat").Range("D38")) + _
"° WB H=" + Str(ThisWorkbook.Sheets("How to find Psat").Range("D43"))
.Border.ColorIndex = 2
.XValues = rgX
.Values = rgY
.MarkerStyle = xlCircle
.MarkerForegroundColorIndex = 5
.MarkerSize = 6
End With
End Sub

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