Excel List Toolbar



I am working on my Excel 2003 textbook. It has me using a "List Toolbar." I
cannot find it on my Office xp 2002. Is it not on the 2002 version? What can
I use instead of the List Toolbar?

Thank you for any help I can get.

Jim Rech

Data|List was added in xl2002.

Dave meant XL2003.

| Data|List was added in xl2002.
| Maybe data|autofilter will be sufficient?
| rosemoss wrote:
| >
| > I am working on my Excel 2003 textbook. It has me using a "List
Toolbar." I
| > cannot find it on my Office xp 2002. Is it not on the 2002 version? What
| > I use instead of the List Toolbar?
| >
| > Thank you for any help I can get.
| --
| Dave Peterson

Dave Peterson

Yes I did. Thanks for the correction.

Jim said:
Dave meant XL2003.

| Data|List was added in xl2002.
| Maybe data|autofilter will be sufficient?
| rosemoss wrote:
| >
| > I am working on my Excel 2003 textbook. It has me using a "List
Toolbar." I
| > cannot find it on my Office xp 2002. Is it not on the 2002 version? What
| > I use instead of the List Toolbar?
| >
| > Thank you for any help I can get.
| --
| Dave Peterson

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