Excel keeps copying deleted files



How do I prevent Excel making copies of files I delete? When I try to delete
the copied files, further copies are made! Any advice appreciated.

Gord Dibben

Very strange behaviour.

How are you deleting the files? Via Windows Explorer? VBA via Excel?

Please post some more details.

Gord Dibben MS Excel MVP


When I click on "open" to search for a particular file, I see all these
copies of the deleted files.


I delete them while in Excel - by clicking "open" and then when I see an
unwanted file, clicking "delete"...


=?Utf-8?B?Um9zaWU=?= wrote
I delete them while in Excel - by clicking "open" and then when I see an
unwanted file, clicking "delete"...

Are the 'deleted' files preceded by the words "Copy of"?

What happens if you highlight them and press the Delete key on your

Do you see the word 'Delete' pop up in a little yellow box when you hold
your mouse pointer over the Delete button for a couple of seconds?


Yes, the files are preceded by "copy of".

Usually I delete by right clicking on the mouse and choosing the delete
option. When I delete using the keyboard as you describe, I get the message
"are you sure you want to delete (filename)?" I don't quite understand what
you mean by holding "the mouse pointer over the delete button". Anyway, I
don't see any little yellow box popping up...


Dear all

Problem solved! It turns out that the problem arose when I was multiple
selecting files to delete by holding the Ctrl or Shift key while left
clicking to select the
files. The copies are created when you fail to completely release the mouse
button before you move the pointer to another file. If a group of selected
files is dragged...even the slightest bit...the next mouse click will
produce copies
of all the previously highlighted files.

Thought you would be interested. It also applies to non-Excel applictaions -
I was getting the same problem in Jasc.

Thank you for trying to help.


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